Genesis is the book of beginnings. Within the fifty chapters that make up this fascinating book of the Old Testament God exercises His creative power to bring the universe into existence by simply telling it to do so. Later we will see the creation of a special people with the calling of Abram. The Law is given later. Sadly, sin mars God’s ‘very good’ creation and so we also see the creation of a plan to redeem mankind back to the One True God. This very old book is very relevant to today.
Studying the Bible will transform your life. Before you open your Bible, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to help you to be more like Christ.
**All Scriptures are given in the New King James Version unless otherwise noted.
2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
Genesis 1:2-3
Genesis 1:2-3
- ‘Then God said’ – God speaks and instantly, the darkness is shattered by light
- As humans, we are bound by the natural laws, like gravity
- God is not bound by those laws, He created them
- Jesus manifested this same power – in the windstorm – He said, ‘Peace, be still!’ – and they did
- He raised Lazarus from the dead – He multiplied the loaves and fishes
- God said – and it was!
Download Pastor Rick's study notes for Genesis 1