Message: “RT057 – Why do good people suffer? Amos 4:6” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Good people sometimes must endure difficulties as God deals with the wicked.

It is not always easy to understand why God allows hard things to come into the lives of His people. As we see in this text, it might be because of what God is trying to do in someone else’s life. We just have to endure to consequence of their rebellion.

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Message: “RT056 – What are you looking at? Psalm 123:1” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” What do you do when you are frustrated or discouraged by things in your life that you are powerless to change?

It is not possible to go through this life and not experience things that are annoying, painful, or troubling. Thankfully, God didn’t leave us without a solution during those times. In fact, with God, the things that cause us the greatest trouble can be of great benefit to us.

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Message: “RT055 – A light in the darkness! Psalm 119:105” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” One tiny light in the darkness may help someone to find their way to the love of God.

Walking in the dark without a light can be a dangerous thing to do. Much of this word is in spiritual darkness and we need a light to see our way safely through it. Thankfully, God provided us a lamp but we need to do more than just possess it.

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Message: “RT054 – Approaching God in prayer! Ezekiel 41:22” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” To truly pray we need to give God our will, our mind, and our heart.

Prayer is more than just asking God to give you what you want or take away what you don’t want in your life. Prayer is an incredible privilege and ought to be a humbling experience.

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Message: “RT053 – Do you need to be humbled by God? Ezekiel 28:3” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God resists the proud and He confounds the wise.

Have you ever felt like God was fighting against you? Maybe He is! God is both the source of and giver of wisdom. It bothers Him when one of His creations believes they have taken that place in their life. This devotional is a warning against believing we know better than God about anything.

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Message: “RT052 – Who can be saved? Hebrews 7:25” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” The gospel is not complicated.

Salvation is so simple that a small child can attain to it by faith. In this devotional we are reminded not to make salvation complicated or hard to attain. No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace, mercy, and love. Let’s keep it simple!

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Message: “RT051 – Our wonderfully good God! Lamentations 3:25” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God’s goodness is not dependent upon our circumstances.

God is good always – even when the things of life seem bad. That is what the prophet Jeremiah reminds us of in today’s verse. He then encourages us to do something that might feel hard during the painful circumstances of life.

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Message: “RT050 – Don’t ask God to bless your plan! Jeremiah 42:6” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God rightfully expects us to obey Him.

Just because you come up with what you believe is the perfect plan to prosper yourself or to be happy doesn’t mean that God is going to go along with it. It is okay to make plans, but we need to let God be God and let Him decide whether we go forward with those plans.

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Message: “RT049 – A battle of the will! Romans 10:3” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” We don’t get to decide how we come to Father God.

Some people have odd ideas about how they will approach God to worship Him. They imagine that they can choose how God wants to be worshipped. It doesn’t work that way. We don’t decide how to approach God; he has already told us how. Paul helps us to understand that in this devotional from Romans 10:3.

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Message: “RT048 – Learning the hard way! 2 Chronicles 12:8” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” The choice is ours; serve God with a humble heart or endure the forced humbling of our heart by an unloving destroyer.

Not everything bad that comes in our life is because God is mad at us or punishing us; sometimes it is just the fact that we are living in a broken, fallen world. But it is possible that God might be allowing some difficult thing in our lives because we are not humbling ourselves before Him. What should we do if that is true?

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