Message: “RT047 – God hears your prayers! 2 Chronicles 7:14” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” No matter where we are God will hear us in heaven and respond.

There might be times in life when it feels like God is ignoring our prayers. In our verse for the day, the Lord tells King Solomon that there are things we can do to guarantee that God always hears and responds to our prayers.

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Message: “RT046 – Giving it all to God! 1 Chronicles 29:14” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” The church and ministry ought to be an extension of only one person; Jesus Christ.

The people of David’s time gave generously to build a temple for God. When we give of our time, talent, and reassures, are we doing it to build the kingdom of God, or are we trying to build something else?

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Message: “RT045 – Calling the equipped! 1 Chronicles 26:8” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” You should rejoice if God brings someone into your midst who is better than you.

There is a natural tendency to protect our positions in life. But what if God is preparing someone else for a role you have in the church or in your workplace? How should we respond when someone comes along who is better than we are?

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Message: “RT044 – The trap of comfort! 1 Chronicles 21:1” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” When the leader sins it is not just the leader who pays for that sin.

One of the ugly thigs about sin is what is does to those who are innocent of that sin. The Bible teaches us that everyone sins. It also teaches us that there are temporal consequences to those sins. As leaders, we need to always keep in mind that our sins will affect those around us.

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Message: “RT043 – Bearing the fruit of joy! 1 Chronicles 12:40” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Joy springs forth from faith and trust.

It has been said that the one constant in the universe is change. For some change is feared and causes stress. For others it is a source of excitement. In this text people are excited about a change that has taken place and express joy. What is joy and where does it come from?

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Message: “RT042 – Leaders who fail! 1 Chronicles 10:13-14” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Humble your heart before you find yourself hanging on some enemy’s wall as a trophy.

Leaders have a responsibility to God to lead people in the way that the Lord would have them to go. This is especially true of Christian leaders. These verses describing the end of King Saul’s life are a somber reminder of what God can do to rebellious leaders.

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Message: “RT041 – Taking your role seriously! 1 Chronicles 6:49” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” We are not to build a kingdom of our own but to lead people to the kingdom of God.

Whatever role God placed you in, He put you there for a reason – for His glory, for the blessing of others, and to grow faith. Whether you take your role as important or not, are you taking it seriously?

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Message: “RT040 – If God is for you…? Psalm 3:3” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Put your whole life into the hands of God and watch and see the amazing thing that He will make of it.

In the midst of one of the dark times of King David’s life he wrote some of his most powerful psalms. What might God want to do during the dark times of your life? Why not just let me?

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Message: “RT039 – Be careful who you stand next to! Psalm 1:1” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” If God tells you to stay away from a certain group or type of people, it is because He has a different plan for them that does not include you.

Your life is precious, and it should be invested where God can us it for His glory, the blessing of others, and to grow faith, in you and in others. That means we need to be selective about who we allow to get close to us. That doesn’t mean we isolate ourselves; it just means we are deliberate about our relationships.

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Message: “RT038 – Lay it out before the Lord! 2 Kings 19:14” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Too often we think that we can handle our circumstances by ourselves.

Attacks and difficult circumstances will come into your life, no matter how good of a Christian you are. This account out of the life of King Hezekiah will encourage us how to respond to those things in a way that releases the power of God into our lives and circumstances.

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