Message: “Pathfinders are Pursuers! 1 Timothy 6:11” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “Pathfinder: Leading this generation into true manhood!.” Pastor Rick Lancaster continues a series for the Men’s Ministry – Pathfinders: Leading this generation into true manhood! We are accustomed to hearing messages about things we should avoid so that we can be more like Christ. Rick uses this verse from Paul to Timothy to encourage men about the things they should be pursuing for Christlikeness.
Pathfinders is a series of messages for men. The world around us is changing rapidly and not for the better. Men are struggling to find their way. A forest of issues and challenges has grown up around them and there does not appear to be a clear path out. And because men are the way they are, they might not even realize they are lost in that forest and, even if they do realize it, they may not ask for help.
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Rick is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel French Valley in Murrieta, California. For more information about what is going on at Calvary Chapel French Valley, go to

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Message: “Biblical Worldviews: What does the Bible say about Politics? Jeremiah 29:5-7” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “Biblical Worldview.” Pastor Rick continues the series Biblical Worldview – Aligning your view of the world with God’s Word! There are some who suggest that politics have no place in the church. An argument can be made that is a true statement, but that doesn’t mean the church shouldn’t be talking about politics. Rick discusses this sometime contentious issue.
A sad reality of the modern church is that most Christians do not have a worldview that lines up with the truth of God’s Word. This means that most Christians are more like the world than they are like Jesus. This series is for Christians who seek to have an authentic, living faith.
Rick is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel French Valley in Murrieta, California. For more information about what is going on at Calvary Chapel French Valley, go to

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Message: “The Glory of God’s Warnings and Promises! Zechariah 5:1-11” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “Zechariah – A Glorious Future!.” Pastor Rick Lancaster continues a series through the Old Testament book of Zechariah in a series he has titled: A Glorious Future! God’s warnings are never to keep us away from something that is good for us. His warnings are to keep us in His promises.
Zechariah is the longest of the Minor Prophets. This book is unique in that it contains more references to the End Times and the Messiah than virtually any other book in the Old Testament. In this marvelous book is a picture of the glorious future God has planned for the Jews. And because we are in Christ, Christians can learn a lot about the glorious future God has in store for them as well. And if we are open to it, a study of the future will help us to live a life that glorifies God today.
Click this link if you would like to see Rick’s Sermon Notes and/or his Bible Study notes:

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Message: “RT064 – How long will you wrestle with God? Psalm 32:5” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Wrestling with God is a foolish exercise practiced by the immature.

God is not limited to working with His people to accomplish His will. He is sovereign and that also means King David was a great man of God, but he wasn’t a perfect man. In this psalm David, David confesses that he had been trying to hide his sins from omniscient God. He “finally’ realized that he had been wrestling with God and made a decision to stop. That’s a good idea.

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Message: “RT063 – God uses unlikely tools to accomplish His will! Ezra 1:2” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God can operate through unbelievers just as easily as He can through believers.

God is not limited to working with His people to accomplish His will. He is sovereign and that also means He can exert control over unbelievers. There are some in the church who believe we should only accept help from believers. Just as God worked through Cyrus, God can work through unbelievers around you to accomplish His will for your life. We need to keep our eyes open to where and how God is working, even through the most unlikely channels.

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Message: “RT062 – Trusting God with your mistakes! 2 Chronicles 25:9” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Our mistakes should bother us because they are against God not because it costs us money, time, prestige, or position.

Mistakes will cost something. If you drive too fast and get a ticket, it will cost you. All mistakes have some kind of cost – often it is small – sometimes it is not! In this brief message, we are encouraged not to focus on the cost as much as on our relationship with God.

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Message: “RT061 – God always answers our prayers! Psalm 18:6” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” It is a thing of wonder that our cries and prayers actually are heard by God.

Prayer is an exercise of faith! We can’t see the Person we are praying to. We don’t get audible feedback regarding our prayers. And sometimes it seems that they are not being heard at all. But God does hear our prayers and He answers them – every one!

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Message: “RT060 – What do you do in the face of opposition? Acts 26:9” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Opposition may change your circumstances, but it doesn’t change what God told you to do.

It is naïve to believe that you will be able to do God’s work without opposition. If you attempt to do something great for God, you should expect great opposition. How should you respond when the work of God gets hard?

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Message: “RT059 – Compromise: one small step toward destruction! Genesis 19:1” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” It takes great courage to resist the temptation to compromise.

The story of Lot is both tragic and instructive. He is a man who is given every opportunity to succeed and appears to do just that, but then everything goes terribly wrong. We all need to learn from the life of Lot so that we don’t end up in the same place.

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Message: “RT058 – A Christmas tune-up! Luke 2:11” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Christ is the reason for the season and love is the reason for Christ!

Merry Christmas! This is a special Christmas edition of A Radical Thought. Rick shares a thought on tuning up our faith during this celebration of the birth of our Savior.

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