Message: “RT016 – Stale religion or joyous relationship? Luke 19:40” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” If you won’t praise God for what He is doing, He will find someone or something else to do it.

Praising God ought to be a regular and natural part of a Christian’s life. God deserves it from His creation, especially His highest creation, mankind. And if we won’t do, God will cause it to come from some other source. A Christian who doesn’t praise God might have a problem with their religion.

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Message: “RT015 – Why are we arguing? Proverbs 13:10” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Pride is the fuel that keeps an argument burning.

We live in a time when differing opinions and viewpoints cannot be discussed freely, openly, and civilly. The Bible teaches us that the reason for that is pride. When we believe or think we are the only one who is right or that we have to ‘win’ a conversation, pride is present. In this devotional, pride is contrasted with wisdom.

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Message: “RT014 – Pray for the leaders! Psalm 84:9” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” We don’t always get to pick the one we are to follow.

In this text, the psalmist encourages to pray for leaders. Specifically, he is referring to the leaders of the nation. The logic seems simple and obvious – if the leader finds favor with God, then that favor will flow down to the people he is leading. This reality also applies to every leader in our lives, whether they be godly or not. That can be a tough message when you don’t like the leader God has allowed into a position of authority over you.

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Message: “RT013 – God’s way is the right way! Psalm 81:12” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God will allow us to follow our own blind and stubborn path!

God created us to be in a love relationship with Him. And He lets us choose if we want to be in that relationship. And because we have that choice, we can choose to live outside that relationship. But what is the cost of choosing to live our own way?

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Message: “RT012 – Remember what He did! Psalm 79:13” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” We don’t need to preach at people for them to be saved; we need to show them Jesus.

Life is busy and sometimes we need to be reminded of things. The important things of our past can be an anchor for our present. This is especially true about the things God has done in our lives. In this message, we are reminded to remember and then to respond to the memories of what God has done in our lives in the past.

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Message: “RT011 – Are you ready? Luke 12:38” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” What will Jesus find you doing when He returns?

Jesus told His disciples that he was going away, but that he was coming back again. We live in the time of waiting for His return. What should we be doing while we wait?

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Message: “RT010 – The conditional promises of God! Deuteronomy 28:2” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” God will do anything that He needs to bring us closer to Him.

One of the ways we describe God is that he is faithful. God will keep His promises to us. What we sometimes overlook or forget is that many of the promises of God are conditional. God, in His Word, has told us what conditions must be met if we want Him to keep His promises to us. His Word also tells us what will happen if we don’t do our part.
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Message: “RT009 – Claiming Israel’s promises! Deuteronomy 23:20” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” Nowhere does the Bible teach Christians that God will bless them financially like He did the Israelites.

Are there promises in the Bible that do not apply to Christians? The simple answer is yes. Some promises are for the nation and people of Israel only. But within those promises, there are things that Christians can extract to grow their faith.

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Message: “RT007 – It is not because you are special! Deuteronomy 7:7” from Rick Lancaster

Rick Lancaster

A message from the series “A Radical Thought.” One of the realities of God’s sovereignty is that He does what He wants to do for reasons that are found solely in Him. For each of us that means that He chooses and uses us for His purposes based solely on His will, and not based on something found in us. That’s a humbling thought, right?
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