Would it upset your plans if Jesus came back now?
God has called us and placed us into places of leadership and authority to help the people prepare for the coming of our Savior, Jesus.
March 10
But He kept silent and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked Him, saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?”
Mark 14:61
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Would it upset your plans if Jesus came back now?
Jesus has been arrested by the Jewish religious leaders. He is now standing trial before them. Even though they find several people that will testify against Jesus, none of them can get their lies to line up. Even the two that they find that have similar testimonies are not close enough to condemn Jesus. The Law was very clear that a person could not be condemned to death without the testimonies of two witnesses. The religious leaders were very strict about this. They are determined to follow the letter of the Law as they murdered Jesus, the holy Lawgiver. These Jewish leaders knew they were murdering Jesus. We know that because they would not receive back the money they paid Judas. Instead, they used the money to buy a field that was used to bury foreigners.
It wasn’t until the high priest asked Jesus directly if He was the Messiah that they had something they could use to condemn Him. The significance of this event is usually overshadowed by the events that follow and for good reason, but this is a tragic thing. The Jews, especially the religious leaders have lived their lives waiting for one thing: the Messiah. A savior and deliverer were promised to them for a thousand years. Prophecy after prophecy had been fulfilled through Jesus. Standing in front of them was what they had lived their entire lives for. Their only thought was what they needed to do to destroy this threat to their position and authority.
These religious leaders had lost sight of the reason for their existence; to prepare the people for the coming Messiah. Like the religious leaders, many of us have a similar responsibility. God has called us and placed us into places of leadership and authority to help the people prepare for the coming of our Savior, Jesus.
The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were more interested in where they fit in the scheme of the arrival of the Messiah than they were in His arrival. Anything that might upset their personal kingdom was to be fought and destroyed. Could we be accused of the same thing? Are we building a kingdom that might be resisting the return of Jesus? If Jesus were standing in front of us and we asked Him the same question that the high priest did, would we fall down on our face before Him in worship? Or would we be angry that His arrival has upset our little plans?
Nothing prevents Jesus from returning at this very moment. We need to live our lives as though we believe that. We need to be looking for Jesus and helping others to prepare their lives for His imminent return. If He came now, would you be rejoicing or angry? Jesus, help us to live our lives as though you could arrive at any moment.
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