God always answers our prayers!

It is a thing of wonder that our cries and prayers actually are heard by God.

July 22

But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry reached his ears.

Psalm 18:6

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God always answers our prayers!

David wrote this psalm as a result of his joy over being delivered from the many enemies that surrounded him.  Just recently he has been delivered from his own son Absalom who attempted to steal the kingdom away from him and kill him.  Psalm 18 is a beautiful picture of how David was feeling during the times of distress and his wonder at the way God took care of him and protected him from his enemies.

There is something that is very special and comforting about our verse for the day.  David was in distress many times during his life; most especially while Saul was trying to kill him.  This was a difficult time for David because Saul was after him because of jealousy; not because of anything that David had done wrong.  Saul knew that the kingdom had been taken away from him and was going to be given to David by God.  Rather than submitting to God and turning the kingdom over to David, Saul sought to destroy David.

During those lonely times in the wilderness you can probably imagine David’s distress.  Here he was doing what he believed God would have him to do and he is being persecuted.  He knows God has called him to be the next king of Israel and yet he doesn’t know if the next day brings death at the hands of Saul.  That had to be a very difficult time for David.  So in desperation David cried out to God for help.  And in our verse today we are told that God heard his cries.

It is an amazing thing that our cries and prayers ascend into heaven and enter into God’s sanctuary and touch His ears.  It is a thing of wonder that our cries and prayers actually are heard by God.  It is too great to truly comprehend that even if every person on earth at the same instant cried out to God that He would hear my prayer and yours as though they were the only ones.  Our God is truly an awesome God!

David believed that God heard His prayers.  That is how we should pray and live.  We need to believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that our prayers are instantly in the ear of our Heavenly Father.  What a comfort that is and what peace it should bring to our souls.

When God hears, He responds.  God does answer our prayers; every last one of them.  We may not always see the answers to our prayer or recognize that they were answered.  And there are times when God does answer and we don’t like the answer, but He always answers.  And because of His great love for us, the answer is always the right one for us and for the circumstances we are in, even if we don’t see that.  God hears your prayers.  Let that comfort your soul during the times of distress and trials.  Then you will rejoice about what God has done in your life just as David did in this beautiful psalm.  Jesus, teach us to pray with confidence and security.

Daily Bible Reading:
Read: 2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10; Romans 7:14-8:8; Psalm 18:6; Proverbs 19:24-25

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