Our wonderfully good God!
God’s goodness is not dependent upon our circumstances.
October 30
The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him.
Lamentations 3:25
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Our wonderfully good God!
The book of Lamentations is a record of the sorrow and grief that Jeremiah and the people of Israel were experiencing after having been exiled from the land that God had promised to their ancestors. This was a result of their rebellion and disobedience to God’s command to worship Him as the only True God. Instead they turned from God to worship the gods of the people of Canaan; worthless idols that could not help them or save them.
Lamentations is an expression of the pain they are feeling from the consequences of their sins. There are many sad descriptions of what they are feeling. There are also some wonderful expressions of the character and attributes of God within this dark book. Such is the case with our verse for the day.
The prophet Jeremiah states that the Lord is ‘wonderfully good’. That is a remarkable statement considering their circumstances. The king of Babylon has conquered the nation of Judah and taken away most of its people in exile to Babylon. God’s goodness is not dependent upon our circumstances. God is always good because the very nature of God is good. Just because my circumstances are bad, it doesn’t mean that God is bad. God is always good.
Jeremiah then says that God directs His goodness toward people. This goodness of God is directed to people under two conditions; those who wait for Him and those who seek him. At first glance these two conditions almost appear to be contradictory. Waiting implies inaction, while seeking implies action. Since there are no contradictions in Scripture, the problem must be in definition.
Waiting on the Lord is an active thing. It means that we trust God to complete His will in our lives and we are actively doing the things that He has instructed us to do. We are not trying to force our will upon our circumstances or striving to escape them. Waiting on the Lord means that we trust that God is in control and that He is going to act on our behalf.
Seeking the Lord happens more in our hearts than it does in our actions. It involves allowing the Holy Spirit to work within our heart and mind to conform us into the image of Jesus. The activity of seeking the Lord is to do those things that assist in this process, like prayer and Bible reading and study.
As we wait on Him and seek Him, we will see the goodness of God. This verse is a proclamation of one of the attributes of the Lord. We can rest in it and trust our life to it. If we are not sensing the goodness of God, we simply must keep waiting and keep seeking. His word is absolutely true, and He is wonderfully faithful to keep His word. Jesus, help us to wait and teach us to seek You daily.
Daily Bible Reading:
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