Where are you going?
Where the leader goes – the people are likely to follow
June 17
Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, "How long are you going to waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!" But the people were completely silent.
1 Kings 18:21
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Where are you going?
Elijah is confronting the people of Israel. They have been following the example of King Ahab as he leads them to worship Baal and other false gods. They are also still worshipping the True God. Elijah confronts them and tells them to decide for themselves who the one and true God is and worship him only. God is telling them through Elijah that there room in their hearts for only one God. It is up to them which one they will choose.
God then gives them a very powerful proof that He is the one and only God by burning up the sacrifice that Elijah has prepared after the prophets of Baal failed to cause their sacrifice to be burned. The people seem to turn to God, but it is unfortunately short-lived.
To most of us, God would say the same thing: “How long will you waver between two opinions?” We have allowed something else to come in and divide our heart in two. In one breath we say that we are Christians and in the next we are worshipping the gods of this world; money, possessions, success, beauty, positions, and the like. There is only room in your heart for one God. Which one will you choose; the one that satisfies your flesh or the one and true God? The choice is yours and your actions and life will reveal your choice to God and to the world.
King Ahab had the choice of leading the people of Israel to God or away from God. He chose poorly! As a leader in your family, community, or church you can make the same choice that King Ahab did. Your choice affects not only you but all of those around you. One of the rules of leadership is that where the leader goes, the people follow. Where are you going? Are you going to God?
Later in our text we see God supernaturally delivering King Ahab and the people of Israel from the hand of the king of Aram. He will do this so that Ahab will realize that there is only one God and turn back to Him. God will do amazing and incredible things to remind His children that He alone is God. And incredibly, we often miss those tremendous moments and perceive them as coincidence or as ordinary.
It is our role as a leader to draw people to God. It is our responsibility to first empty our hearts of all the gods of this world that do not belong there. And then we are to teach the people who are following us to do the same. We must first choose and then help them to make the right choice as well. As a leader you have a tremendous influence on those around you. Use that God-given influence to direct people to the Lover of their souls. Jesus, help us to choose well and to lead others to the right choice also.
Daily Bible Reading:
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