A leader’s darkest hour!
Your response to the sins in your life today will determine whether or not God can use you in the future.
May 27
Then David confessed to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "Yes, but the LORD has forgiven you, and you won't die for this sin.”
2 Samuel 12:13
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A leader’s darkest hour!
Here in today’s reading we see David’s darkest hour. King David was the best leader that the nation of Israel had and yet here we see him falling into sin and then hiding it and ultimately murdering one of his own ‘Mighty Men’. Nathan the prophet confronts David and lets him know that he has not hidden his sin from God.
David’s response is the main thing that we need to see in this text. It is not that he sinned; everyone does that. It is not the sins that he committed; they are no better or worse than any other sin that we could commit. It is the manner in which he responded that gives us all a picture of how God wants us to respond when we are confronted with our sins.
David was the king; the leader of the nation of Israel. David didn’t hesitate when confronted with his sin to confess and repent. And David knew that his sin was against God first and primarily. David didn’t try to justify his sin. He didn’t try to make excuses or try to shift the blame. He had sinned and he knew it and he admitted to it immediately.
As leaders in our families, ministries, churches, and communities we need to follow the example of David. David wrote the incredible Psalm 51 as a result of God confronting him with his sin. Study this psalm to discover the true depth of David’s remorse over his sin. And not just the remorse that he felt but also the hope that he had in God’s graciousness and mercy. David knew that even though his sin was ugly in the sight of God, that God still loved him and still had a plan for his life.
Nothing will separate us from our God like our ‘hidden’ sins. And nothing will draw us near to God like the confession and repenting from those sins. God is not looking for leaders that don’t sin. There aren’t any! What God is looking for is leaders who can see their sin the way God sees it and the sight is repulsive to them.
Your response to the sins in your life today will determine whether or not God can use you in the future. Because David responded with brokenness and contrition, God used David mightily later in his life. The instant God reveals one of your sins to you is the time for you to confess it and repent of it. The longer you fight with God about your sin, the longer and harder it will be for you. Your family, your ministry, and your church need leaders don’t hesitate to repent of their sins. Only a repentant leader can truly lead. Jesus, teach us to see our sins quickly and to repent even quicker.
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