You are not God!

The way you live proves that the Lord is God of your life or you are!

April 29

Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Psalm 100:3

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You are not God!

Within the first six words of our verse for the day is a truth that will revolutionize the walks of many Christians if they would just embrace it.  This verse begins by telling us to acknowledge that the LORD is God.  This means that we don’t just say that the LORD is God, but we believe it and accept is as truth.  It also means that our behaviors prove that we acknowledge this truth.  Too many people say that the LORD is God with their mouths and then deny Him with their lifestyles.  That is called hypocrisy and hypocrisy is one of the things that keep many from coming to know God.

The LORD is God whether you acknowledge it or not.  Just because someone doesn’t acknowledge or believe in God, doesn’t change His position or existence even a small amount.  But it will change how their life will be lived and how God will interface with them.  If you want to receive all that God wants to give you, it must be on His terms; not yours.  The LORD is God and He expects you to acknowledge that.

Our verse goes on to say that He made us, therefore we are His.  Because we are His creation, we belong to him.  This is where many will struggle in their relationship with Jesus.  We want to believe that we are self-made people.  No one has ever made themselves.  This is pride and arrogance even to begin to think that you had anything to do with where you are today.  God gave you everything you have and arranged it so that you could be where you are.

This verse ends by saying that we are His people and one of the sheep of His pasture.  This addresses our selfish natures.  To acknowledge that the LORD is God requires that we acknowledge that we are not the center of the universe; God is!  We are one of many who are a part of God’s flock.  It is not all about us; it never has been.  It’s all about Jesus and His plan for our lives and for this world.

When we acknowledge that the LORD Jesus is God, we open up our relationship with God to be all that it was intended to be.  It gives us a right perspective about who we are and who God is.  By acknowledging that the LORD is God and that we are not, we are inviting the Holy Spirit to do His work in our lives.  The LORD is God and we are not!  Most people would not say that they are God but their actions say that they are the god of their lives.  Only by surrendering the throne of our lives to Jesus can we truly acknowledge that the LORD is God.  Jesus, help us to throw all of our crowns at Your feet and to step aside from the throne of our lives.

Daily Bible Reading:
Read: Judges 9:22-10:18; Luke 24:13-53; Psalm 100:1-5; Proverbs 14:11-12

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